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Please know that every dollar raised through will be passed on directly to Patrick's family through the Patrick Leister Memorial Fund at Artisans' Bank. The loss of Patrick has left a void in all of our lives, but no void is greater than the one that Timothy, Braydon, and Catelyn have in their lives. If you are unable to make a donation at this time, please remember that donations of any size at any time will be appreciated. If you have already reconsidered and would like to make a donation now, please click here now to return to the Donations page.
Please know that every dollar raised through will be passed on directly to Patrick's family through the Patrick Leister Memorial Fund at Artisans' Bank. The loss of Patrick has left a void in all of our lives, but no void is greater than the one that Timothy, Braydon, and Catelyn have in their lives. If you are unable to make a donation at this time, please remember that donations of any size at any time will be appreciated. If you have already reconsidered and would like to make a donation now, please click here now to return to the Donations page.